How long do you think covid will last?
Now I know some places have been opening up for business but there have been spikes in covid cases that have been opening.  So when do u think things will get to "normal"? I know things will never be 100% normal but what I mean is no masks, business as usual, etc.

I am in Hungary right now, things are getting normal here, borders opening slowly and so on, but I am pretty sure there will be a second wave sooner or later.

Bu the questions is hard depending on where you are referring to. Like, in Brazil things just started getting bad, so there will last for a long while, and second waves are starting slowly over the world. But if I would guess when it will be over all over the world, I would say by next year.

Probably not until early next year

[+] 1 user Likes Chobes 182's post
Generally it can take up to one year

I haven't seen that much going down from where i am

It ended in New Zealand. It'll be nice when more countries/states join that list.

Here in the States with all the protests, it's going to last a long time. We're spiking again in 20+ states? Not good.

fingers crossed that it's over by the end of the year

it all depends whether theres going to be a second peak (likely in the autumn) or not.

Generally it can take up to one year

Until there is a vaccine, then you have to overcome idiot soccer moms trying to stop it for no reason. ETA time until the end of Covid: never.

the way our governor is handling it..probably until the vaccine is developed. no way can we fight this without it

I wouldn't be so sure that we will be able to contain it very easily once borders start opening again. I mean, NZ which was supposingly covid-free has already got a case of someone positive entering the country, being able to escape quarantine (as someone on their family had died) and cross the entire country already.

At the end the asymptomatic carriers are a big percentage of the ones having the virus, and It only takes two or three of them chained to have the disease spread around a city exponentially without being able to easily trace the source. It can get nuts pretty easily.

i think it will last at least 6 months but no more than 1 year

I think 2 years, they are telling us by the end of year to stop panic

If the people in my country would stop acting like retards, we could get rid of it in a year or in a few month. But when I see how people behave I think the whole situation won't stop until next year.

I would say a couple months more but cases are rising where i am so idk

3 years minimum. But in 12 months the world will stop freaking out about it, open up and just practice responsible social behaviour especially for vulnerable people.

i think it will last at least 1 year but no more than 2 year

[+] 1 user Likes uhohuo's post
I think I will last longer than 1 Year