How long would you like to live for
Over the last decade there's been talk about our lifespans potentially extending to hundreds or thousands of years. Would you be interested in living that long if the option to do so healthily was provided?

I would like to live as long as possible

Depends I guess. If our prime age is extended then maybe, but if it's just an extra couple decades/centuries living with the body of a grandpa then no. Also I wouldn't wanna outlive all my friends and family so probably not.

Depends, no point in living longer if your body starts getting fucked.

If I could I’d like to live forever

I guess i wouldnt have an issue with living longer than a lot of people, but i also feel like i would off myself eventually just because i outlive everyone around me

Till 2100 would be my goal

If I can live through 2069, I'm set for life

definitely until full vr game is possible

As long as I don’t need assistance from anyone else

In humanities current state I think I'd want to live till 80 or 90 depending on my heath by the time I get there. If we can extend our prime, then longer, but like someone said already, if you're stuck a grandpa the whole time, no, I would not like to live any longer.