How many lives would it take to sacrafice your own.
I was watching a show with my room mate, and one of the characters sacraficed themselves to save the lives of almost fifty other people from a nerve gas (it was 24) the guy had to say goodbye to his child and i asked my mate if he would do the same. he said not if he had a kid at home, so i asked him how many lives it would take. he replied at least a plane full of people, so im guessing a few hundred. when i changed the scenario to children he didnt hesitate to say one. and i had the same response pretty much, i would sacrafice myself to save minimum a few dozen people, but wouldnt think twice if it was one child.

What would be the number you would sacrafice your life for? family not included.

Honestly, my decision would probably be very situationally dependent. Like if it's a bunch of kids, then sure. But if it's a group of say 5 complete strangers, just the same as me, same age, capabilities, and family situation, then I's every man for himself honestly lol. Similarly, if it was a plane transporting 1,000 prisoners, I'd still save myself first too.

So numbers don't really matter to me. Even if it's just 1 or 2 strangers, but I knew that they were genuinely good people, then I wouldn't mind taking one for the team.

It depends. I don't think I would do it for a stranger but for a family member or someone real close to me I would.

The number wouldn’t matter to me so much as the connection to the person, like I’d sacrifice myself for one person if it was say a younger sibling but probably wouldn’t for 50 strangers. I mean people die every day and if I’ve never met them and probably would never meet them then it’ll matter very little to me.

my room mate and i spoke about this for about an hour going through different scenarios. I think we came to a concensus that if it was a kid its a no brainer, but if its other people, as a previous poster said it would all come down to the situation you were in at the time.

I think its easy to make a sacrafice for a family member than it is for complete strangers. thats why military people will always have my respect.

I'm a narcissist and egocentric, but not an egoist
So I would choose to save myself, doesn't matter if I need to sacrifice like the whole population of mexico

I agree with the others on this thread. If it's a kid or someone that is close to me or my family then I would sacrifice my life. However, if it's just a stranger, sorry man.

It really depends on who I’m saving if it’s my family then I would sacrifice myself but it’s strangers it would probably take 100

I would go all heroic and shit but If I didnt really have anything to do with the situation I wouldnt really do it under 50 people tbh

A hard to answer question. Though as I know myself, I wouldn't be able to make a sacrifice no matter what. I dunno, maybe the whole planet? Still would be something I won't be happy to do.