How much porn do you watch at day or week?
It's a question curios. I like watch porn every sunday because I feel that watch porn every day is not good for the mind. Every sunday I watch porn 2 or 3 hours. Weekdays I watch images or shorts videos for casuality.

I haven't really thought about this, maybe every 2-3 days, sometimes once a week or so.

maybe 20 hours a week

25 hours a day? lol

every day...3 hours a day

Constantly in the background. Every day

i think i spend more time searching for what i like lol, i guess 1-2 hours per day

1-2x a day i would say how much would i watch per week

3-4 times a week. I like erotica stories too. it has the tension build up but it can get boring sometimes too

atleast one 30min video

i would say like 1 hour a day but only like 5 days a week

everyday addiction

way too much

Once z dayy is good

I'd like to attempt restricting my viewing to the weekends but as it stands maybe 30 minutes a day every day plus however much time I spend searching for a video at least 1hr everyday maybe

i would say 20 Minutes everyday but i would include NSFW Twitter and Reddit in that, which you can reach real fast.

once per week at most

I usually do it every few days. I used to do it every day, I don't know if it had any negative effects.

1h a day on average i think everyday

Actually watch, maybe an hour, consider watching 3 or so