How much time would you invest into a F2P game?
If you can unlock everything in the game by playing every day for 2 months, would you? Or would you spend some money and enjoy the content right away?

no too months is too much

Really depends on how fun it is, i wouldn’t have a problem playing it for a good amount of time and keep playing it if it had stuff worth doing it for to get or just kept my interest

If just play the game and if I enjoy it spend money on it.

I wouldn't spend a single penny. A F2P should be free.

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Destiny 2 is alright. The past 2 seasons have been way better than any before. I have sunk 170 hours in and only spent 10 bucks on the current season.

I've seen alot of F2P games release things that be P2W and damn, they takin my money.