How old are your gaming rigs?
I just realized my laptop is coming up on 10 years...I guess that's why I don't play new games on PC.

For those of you who keep up to date, how often do you update?

I finally bought my first gaming rig for Black Friday last year...

I realized that I'm not really interested in any PC games at the moment lol. Before that I just played FIFA on PS4 and any PS Plus titles. I still use the PC for work and school purposes though, so I'll probably upgrade in 5 years or so when it starts to slow down.

Mine is about 4 years old but it still bangs

mine is going on over 1year. letter one was about 7yrs

Mine is 3 years

About 5 years old, just replaced my 1080 with a 3080 a few months ago

I have a rig that's 9 years old but I've switched almost every piece in it.

Yeah the gaming requirements for processing power haven't really changed drastically. A good processor can last 5 plus years without upgrade. Your graphics card on the other hand, if you want to play current triple A games on highest settings I'd recommend upgrading every 2/3 years

Mine is like 8 years old but sadly I can't get a new one right now.

mines going on 3 years old

Getting up to 3 years old, was looking into buying parts to build one but it's somehow cheaper to get a premade one now with how GPU's are lol. Like 3k or so for one with a 3080 build compared to almost just that for the GPU if you're building it yourself, probably cause they are the scalpers though :/

My HP gaming rig (mainly for older flight sims and racing sims) and current iRacing is about 5 or 6 years old. Just got Oculus Rift-S and am in a whole new world. Looking forward to the upgrade next year or so. Kinda showing age in some areas.

About 5 years and plan to reomace6 it if i have the money