How's America doing
Greeting boys!!!

To start off i not from USA, I am always curious about politics in  united states

what you guys think of the election of Biden ?? think it will be better for Us in general ??

because  although Trump didn't do well in term of pandemic, in my point of view  of exterior politics that was the most chill  (not world peace but it was chill) and inside of Us i can't say it because as i said, i do not live in the us.

What you guys think, tell me i really want to know

[+] 1 user Likes Danklordmemester's post
If his relief program gets passed, it will most likely get the people around the world to see what he is and maybe gain more favoritism from the millions of Americans that he is the president of.

[+] 1 user Likes detr420's post
Honestly not good right now. Not good at all

[+] 1 user Likes Guad Gubber's post
should have kept Trump in power.

[+] 1 user Likes Kllttyyy's post
Not that great but we'll survive. We're tough sons of bitches.

[+] 1 user Likes thedude10101's post
Pretty bad tbh

[+] 1 user Likes Jason12315's post
Actually Trump was absolutely horrible. The Worst President arguably ever!  A ONE Term President with the lowest favorability rating in American History. Lost the Senate and states that had been Republican since the early 1900's. Impeached Twice, Failed Insurrection, Lied to his followers daily, lied about our solemn Democratic elections, (that as kids we swore to uphold as we grew up reciting our Pledge of Allegiance in school) but the only modern President never to release his Tax Returns, until the Supreme court ordered him to just 3 days ago, and withdrew and tried to isolate America from the rest of the world or as he put it "you foreigners"...

He literally ran the country in the ground where this Pandemic is still kicking our butt; but on the positive side he's out now and facing many different criminal prosecutions and hopefully Biden/Harris can help steer the country back on course to being a world leader and someplace that doesn't have the highest death rate due to Covid than any other industrialized nation.

Or actually the highest death rate due to Covid-19 of ANY country in the world.

[+] 1 user Likes realkane's post
I see, wow thanks a lot for the information, that was really """"cool""""" to know.

Indeed US was getting isolated from various countries. Not being an US citizen we only saw the the impact on others countries from this "expansionism"   but never knew  how impacted american people in the way of approval and such.

[+] 2 users Like Danklordmemester's post
We're not in the best of places; even before Trump we were facing some serious division. Have to keep trudging forward though, right? I think the weirdest part about moving back to the U.S. was noticing how infrequently people pay attention to elsewhere in the world, and if they do think/talk about somewhere else it's always in relation to here. Very jarring, disconnected point of view. I don't think it's healthy, but what do I know.

[+] 2 users Like zarcon94's post