How sensitive will people get
Its a pretty known fact that people are becoming more and more sensitive but what do you guys think will be the limit. Will this just end up leading to total censorship were everyone is too scared to hurt each others feeling. Or will people realize words are just words and people wont get offended ass easy.

Unfortunately the norm now seems to be to get offended about everything. I honestly think the media plays into a lot of people’s feelings.

I'll tell you this, I actually laugh my ass off at all the woke people demanding statues of people from the past being torn down because their views don't abide by 2020 standards. 50 years from now people will look at these same woke activists and be outraged that they didn't take more of a stand about things that seem benign now, and so the cycle will keep continuing

The whole woke movement is just stupid. People are getting so upset and angry about stuff that doesn't matter in the least bit. If it offends, they want it gone. Like, maybe tough shit? If you're offending me, I just don't give you the attention. Problem solved. I don't expect things that bother me gone, especially if it's not bothering anyone else. Just act like an adult and move on.

The more you give into this kinda shit, the more it just keeps happening. Someone needs to just cancel the cancel movement.

I think in the future, the censorship will be a bit strict, but with the time, we gonna discover the disadvantages of this, so the people needs to live the censorship first to stop thinking is a good way to delete those things that they don't want to see

Its going to keep getting worse sadly pretty annoying.