How to enjoy playing games with girlfriend? (A Way Out spoiler)
So I am a gamer. I have a girlfriend of more than two years. She didn't really play games until she met me. I've been trying to get her into gaming but most of the games we try to play together she gets really mad when something bad happens to her in games. For example we tried playing Jump Force against each other and whenever I try to give her the win she always complains that I'm going easy on her but when I actually try she gets easily defeated and either gets really mad or starts crying and even hit me once in the leg because I've beaten her (and not a playful hit). I've been searching for some other games we could play together but most of the co-op games are either too hard for her or too boring (like minecraft). She did like "A Way Out" but also got mad when I killed her at the end. The only thing she enjoys playing is League of Legends now. But I'm regreting ever showing her that game because she's more toxic than ever playing that game. So in conclusion I want to enjoy playing games with her but it's really difficult to with all the toxicity she is putting out when playing games. Any advices?

Games I recommend: Dont starve together, Portal 2, some casual racing like Mario Kart. If she's so competitive it will be difficult, maybe you shouldn't care when she's mad that she'd lost? It's just a game after all

Slime Rancher with the multiplayer mod, Avorion (space shooter with fully destructible environments), maybe even something like Unturned or 7 Days to Die that have the survival crafting aspects but have more excitement thanks to zombies or whatever. Broforce has a co-op mode that can be very action packed and not too difficult. Or if you're okay with grindy action RPGs you could try a Diablo clone like Torchlight II, or an action MMO like Trove.

Or, if she really wants to be semi-competitive while cooperating, get a game where you switch turns like the old Mario games. Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros 3 ramp up difficulty decently and can be fun two-player.

I should mention: if she likes the controls of League of Legends, then Diablo clones, even just straight up Diablo III, might be a good idea. There are a lot of good ones out there, and they tend to play a lot like MOBAs but with less competition, more cooperation.

If she got some mileage out of A Way Out, try her on The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan. It’s a horror/suspense thriller where you can play in tandem in a similar way. It’s not especially adversarial, although there are some points where you can get one another killed by accident. However unlike A Way Out you are following 5 characters instead of 2 and the object of the excercise is to get as many of them to the end as possible. If one died the narrative does shift to accommodate this.

Is she proactive in looking for games to play? Maybe if she found a game that she enjoys herself outside of your recommendations

I’m in the same position as you LOL it’s like playing with a baby so just don’t do it

play some monopoly online, she may break up with you tho Sad