How to get a girl ?
Hi guys i am single horny male, please tell me how to get a girl and get laid. Thanks

You just gotta be as confident as you can man. Practice talking to anyone. Every conversation will help if you practice being confident in it

Couldn’t agree more, you probably heard this a million times but it’s so true confidence is key

Being confident is key, but you need to take care of yourself, be hygienic, etc. Also getting female friends helped me a lot, since you can practice talking to another girl with your friends.

I agree with all of these ^ above

go to a college party and let loose

Do be careful about confidence though, don't just confidently be a huge dick to everyone. Definitely helps to have something that you're passionate about, if you're going to talk about yourself try to be enthusiastic about it. A guy I know is really attractive and plenty of girls show interest at first but he doesn't project much emotion or seem too interested so it tends to fizzle out pretty quick.

Just take whatever your personality is and roll with it, don't try too hard, eventually there'll be few that you'll click with if you come across as secure with yourself

Honestly Tinder, Hinge and Bumble and just swipe on everything see what you get back, and filter the best of what you got then and just be confident in messaging and get their SC asap before convo goes dead

Just buy one