How to start in poker
I am getting interested in playing poker, and I’ve seen that it is a really complicated task to master, should I start playing games, or that doesn’t help at all? What can I do to practice and start to improve my game?

Just start a friendly game with some friends. Thats how I started with my brother and hes friends with some guys who play professionally now.

So what I'm saying is start small and work your way up.

I started by playing games like "Poker Night" and "Poker Night 2" by Telltale Games, but you can find a lot of free poker games online. They usually have a good tutorial and can give you some good practice.

Texas hold em is surely an "easy to learn hard to master" game. Start to practice it by playing, and learn well the basics. Experience will come by with time.

If you don't intend play it competitive don't bother with the advanced theories, they are interesting but hard to learn and master (and with some good basics in math required).

Have fun!

Have rich parents to bail you out when you lose everything

Just play again an again and you will learn from your mistakes

Read strategy books, start to learn the vernacular and start learning some probability on certain hands or pairings.

Watch a lot of pros play. You can’t practice by playing free poker since people won’t play the same once money is in there