I'm not a fan of VR and think it is unnecessary. Anyone else think this too?
VR is often talked about as replacing tv / two-dimensional screens and I don't think that's the case. I think VR has its own little niche but it's not something I'm at all interested in. I think the real world offers more value than a virtual world and that VR is an unnecessary waste of time.

Augmented Reality is far more interesting to me.

Played a couple crazy games and I agree, I think it’s a fad that will eventually die out I mean look at 3D, every 30 years it comes and goes

Yes, I don't think it has much practical use and that AR far surpasses it. As a storytelling or gaming medium as well, VR is quite limited and more distracting than anything.

Don't own a VR but just looking at it I'd probably get a headache from it.

Tbh I can’t wait for vr to become more mainstream

I own a VR headset and I absolutely love it. Gaming feels so much more immersive, intense and fun. Also being able to lay on your back in bed while having a multi-monitor setup right in front of you to watch media is pretty cool