I need a new game to play, preferably an MMO
Hello there, it has been raining around here for a while now and it does not look like it will let up any time soon, so i was looking for something to pass the time.
Influenced by my surroundings i have been wanting to try a MMO again, but i have no idea what games have a solid playerbase and are the best ones on the market right now.
I have played a lot of TERA before, i liked that a lot. I have also played Back Desert, wich was too grindy, and Guild Wars 2, but i didn't like the Tab-Targeting so much.
Of course i have also played WoW, but i don't feel like sinking any more time into that game just yet.

Anyways i would be super happy if anyone could share their opinion with me.

have you tried granado espada?

Honestly I've been getting back into FFXIV. It's not for everyone but I like it well enough.

I have tried FFXIV before and i have to say, it is not for me. But i will look into granado espada

wots ammo haha

Lostark, the korean online MMORPG game

Blade & Soul is the MMO I have spent the most time with, sadly the game caters to whales but you can get quite far f2p as well. I haven't played in years, but I'm thinking of getting back into it. A game called Soulworker also got a new global server recently, I'm still leveling but it seems relatively fun so far.