I need more info about Incest Whore ASAP. Would appreciate any help
it’s been 1 year since me and a friend have been searching for info about this girl, how all of the is happened and where she is now. I’ve read a few theories and people who say they were there when it all went down in 4chan. But we don’t have much concrete info. If any of you know anything about this case we’d appreciate it a lot. I can send you her folder in return if you’re interested.

[+] 3 users Like whyamievenhere's post
Why would you need more info of her? Just leave her alone and move on

[+] 2 users Like Phyllidos's post
though ive seen her stuffs but i woud Iike to hve that again!
she was charged for pedophiIe
she is free now
but dont know what exactly is going at the moment !

[+] 1 user Likes roe48's post
roe48 Wrote:though ive seen her stuffs but i woud Iike to hve that again!
she was charged for pedophiIe
she is free now
but dont know what exactly is going at the moment !
send the folder and we'll do some investigation

[+] 1 user Likes 819cookie's post
819cookie Wrote:
roe48 Wrote:though ive seen her stuffs but i woud Iike to hve that again!
she was charged for pedophiIe
she is free now
but dont know what exactly is going at the moment !
send the folder and we'll do some investigation
dude i said ive seen it     you have thi link you can share here

its insane how obsessed some people are with those girls as if sharing them wasnt enough nah lets find out all their friends and families social media. i bet you would enjoy a video of her killing herself too. commit toaster bath please.

I too was curious as to what the hell happened. I'm not sure as to why Brazillian youtubers were primarily making videos on theories.
What I find angering is somebody is running a troll Facebook account of her with a snapchat bitmojii avatar as the picture. You can tell it's a fake because of "attending school in France" and then says living in the States.

If you look into those portuguese videos on Youtube, it would show you a clip of her wrapping  toilet paper around her neck jumping down. She definitely had to be blackmailed, i would bet 100 bitcoin it was a  person who then released her nudes onto popular brazillian websites before HLB. Those first few images of her holding up a piece of paper saying those racist things, it's definitely a "how much can i make you do/post before you just break". Her school that she went to, if you just look up deaths alone, (also just for 2018 alone ) without mentioning this girl, for that high school in rural pennsylvania was fairly common. I think I read upon 4-5 different cases, 2 people in a horrific car accident, this girl, another girl involved in a suicide,  2018 was not a good year for that place at all.  Seeing her debop store still online with clothes she was selling is just haunting.
Her best friend is set to graduate 2021 and it doesn't help her that people posted her name on Xvideos showing incestwhore instead.
Shit is fucked man. Her family I hope moved far far away and changed their names for good. You should stumble upon the 4chan post about it, there was a report of people giving her grandfather grief because he wrote a message about his dead grand-daughter.

If anyone can shut down the troll account on facebook, truly doing God's work. I could argue and say HLB is still down because of this girl but that's pushing it. Between .ru and .pk domains, they could take a lesson from piratebay in finding a safe domain to use.

[+] 3 users Like RandomGuy87's post
Looks promising.

whyamievenhere Wrote:it’s been 1 year since me and a friend have been searching for info about this girl, how all of the is happened and where she is now. I’ve read a few theories and people who say they were there when it all went down in 4chan. But we don’t have much concrete info. If any of you know anything about this case we’d appreciate it a lot. I can send you her folder in return if you’re interested.
Okay I am credible because I go to her school. Me and you can talk about sharing things privately. All you other people go to xvideos and search “katehenning” she has like 5-8 videos. She is okay leading a normal cyber school life. Sometimes I see her at school events too. Her family and life is fine

I smell huge cap but okay I’m hoping everything’s fine

Omg bro thanks yeah

If y'all wondering it was black by some guy on the dark web there are other girls he got to ask well like raven he's famous for black mail on this dark net site his signature is making them take pics with a paper that says " I hate white people " or "expose me" then he makes them preform on family members its actually fucked up but good content at the same time Smile

[+] 2 users Like Toox2's post
Toox2 Wrote:If y'all wondering it was black by some guy on the dark web there are other girls he got to ask well like raven he's famous for black mail on this dark net site his signature is making them take pics with a paper that says " I hate white people " or "expose me" then he makes them preform on family members its actually fucked up but good content at the same time Smile

Really? That actually sounds like something that would happen. After looking at kate, raven, etc. I can see how it would be his calling card. seeing kate's file just killed my boner tbh she's legit crying but incestwhore also had a teary photo, nobody would send a nude crying. Probably the most distinct calling card.

[+] 1 user Likes RandomGuy87's post
RandomGuy87 Wrote:
Toox2 Wrote:If y'all wondering it was black by some guy on the dark web there are other girls he got to ask well like raven he's famous for black mail on this dark net site his signature is making them take pics with a paper that says " I hate white people " or "expose me" then he makes them preform on family members its actually fucked up but good content at the same time Smile

Really? That actually sounds like something that would happen. After looking at kate, raven, etc. I can see how it would be his calling card. seeing kate's file just killed my boner tbh she's legit crying but incestwhore also had a teary photo, nobody would send a nude crying. Probably the most distinct calling card.
I would love to see this material, can someone send me a megalink or another way to share so I can catch up on this, very intriguing.  You can email to Email Snipped if you would rather do that.  Thank you!

[+] 1 user Likes Seanmach's post
I’m very late but would love a link would appreciate thanks

(24-02-2020, 12:36 PM)whyamievenhere Wrote: it’s been 1 year since me and a friend have been searching for info about this girl, how all of the is happened and where she is now. I’ve read a few theories and people who say they were there when it all went down in 4chan. But we don’t have much concrete info. If any of you know anything about this case we’d appreciate it a lot. I can send you her folder in return if you’re interested.

It didn't "go down" on 4chan. She's an RG girl. He was a British guy who got girls to do all sorts of nasty shit on whatsapp and then sold the result, back in about 2018. I know some people who bought directly from him, and as they tell it, the really weird shit (like incest and the scat play) were special requests of particular customers. Maybe the girls were willing participants, maybe it was BM, I have no idea. I stay well clear of his shit.

FYI, both of the participants in that set are underage as fuck. You do not want to have it in your possession.

[+] 1 user Likes julioricardo's post