I play Pokémon go everyday
Lmao anyone remember that stupid song. But no fr I still like to play Pokémon Go like all the time now. I even did the virtual Kanto tour in February it was pretty cool, got lots of shiniest and stuff. It definitely helps that Pokémon spawn at my apartment even though I live on the third floor. If they didn't I don't think I could really have as much fun

i havent played that game in years, idk what changed. you should be going outside and get them not farm them inside lol, these times are not good for that tho

always go back to it once in a while

It's gotten better since it came out

I think pokemon Go is dead?

Pokemon Go got kind of a bad luck with Covid, that must have hit it somehow. I used to play it before, but in the last few years haven't done much, as I don't have any pokestops near my place (I live in a small town now) and pokemon aren't that varied as well.

The game is a lot better now compared to what it used to be.

With Covid, they added some loopholes such as remote raiding (raid from home), quests are given without having to spin, etc.

Fml, read that topic and now I can't get the song out of my head lmao

What is Pokemon Go?

[+] 1 user Likes zsthe's post
Would love to play that game again but kills my battery

I got back into it recently myself. The stuff they added due to COVID make it a lot easier to enjoy, IMO. Increased spawns outside of pokestops, remote raids, etc. It's still nice to go for a walk and hit a few pokestops, but even if I'm not able to get out that day (like tomorrow, we're expecting a bunch of snow) I can still at least keep my catching streak going.

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