I've been taking cold showers for one whole year
I started taking cold showers in October 2019 after falling into a bit of a pit after graduating college and losing my way and needed something to get me kickstarted, and I have to conclude that cold showers really changed my life.

I will warn you, it took me 5 months to actually get "used" to the cold showers, leading up until that point I would find myself forcing myself into the shower which made me feel uncomfortable, but tricked me for the rest of the day thinking "If I've already done one uncomfortable thing, I can do this etc"

It definitely gets your day started right, I'm not one for buying into all of the benefits and heresay but I can say with great confidence that it isnt a placebo effect and I urge all of you to give it a try for a month

Tried it once. I hated it during,but after felt great. Was a night too

How to get contributor level up

Ya could never do it. Hot showers feels so good

just like with dishes hot water washes things better I always feel filthy after a cold shower

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