I want to sleep at night
Sometimes I can't sleep at night and I wait until morning and finally sleep but exhusted. 

Is there something that helps you sleep well at night ?

[+] 1 user Likes idaho12333's post
Are you drinking any soda/caffeine drinks or eating any high sugar foods before bed? That could be the problem. You don't want any of those less than four hours before sleep. It could also be that some kind of fear is keeping you from sleeping. Is this something normal, or has this been a recent thing?

I'm flipping the question around.
Few things I've noticed that makes my sleeping habits worst.

Any active screentime things, from reading, watching, or playing. I would unconsciously keep my energy up.

Blue screen filters doesn't work for me if I'm determined to continue doing the activity.

If I'm well rested and had a slow & legathergic day, that also gives me enough energy to stay up unwittingly pass 20+hrs with ease.

Listening to some audio whether if it's noise, podcast, or leaving a news or movie running is what I tend to do. This helps keep my mind from over thinking and drift off to sleep.

But if I'm not even slightly tired, I don't bother trying to force sleep. Instead I just do something else...

[+] 1 user Likes Someguysaid's post
What @Someguysaid said. I can't play videogames before bed. It makes me wired to all hell. Staring at a computer monitor not so much, but if I'm playing a computer or console game, it'll keep me up for a couple of hours after I stop playing them. Look at your pre-bed habits, write them down, and then you'll be able to see what might be making you stay awake.

On top of what the others have said, you could also purposely disrupt your sleep for one night to kind of "reset" your sleep schedule. Just pull an all-nighter or wake up super early one morning, even if you only got 2-3 hours of sleep that night. By the time the day ends, you'll definitely be tired and sleepy enough to just knock out for the night. If not, you can just grab some melatonin gummies. They're pretty popular for sleep aid since it's natural I hear. As a last resort, you just grab some sleeping pills, but it's possible to develop a dependency on those.

On top of what others have said, look into melatonin supplementation. It can do wonders for some people

Blackout curtains are a god send Making your room as dark as possible gives me the best sleep I've ever had.

Honestly conditioning yourself to an action is the best way. Just like how if you have sex before sleeping, you'll get sleepy after sex. Everything eventually becomes a habit.

black out curtains, and a white noise machine if you require.

exercising a bit before makes me sleepy

Try to do some sport exercises before sleeping

black out curtains will help

take melatonin