IRL Girls / Ex GFs
Recently I have been jerking a lot to girls I know (insta tiktok) or nudes of Exes. 
I don’t know why but it gets me really going these days.
Anybody else doing that?

yup thats my favorite. wish i had taken more nudes of my exes

[+] 1 user Likes pastawarr's post
Haha same but still have a few.

Same bro, Reddit used to be a place where I could talk ab my irls a lot but now they banned a lot of stuff like that. Pm if u want to talk/trade

[+] 1 user Likes jacobfan123's post
I used to be in a thrupple and the other 2 would make vids for me if i wasn't there or I'd be cameraman for them and at the time there was one video that they made that would get me from a to z in just the minute and a half that the video lasts. Best time of my life. Miss the perverted shit that we would get up to terribly. /wrist

[+] 1 user Likes Shawn0r's post

Yep. This is why you have to make an effort to make as much homemade porn/ get as many nudes/videos as possible to look back on. Having leaks is great, but a collection of your own is unmatched

[+] 1 user Likes chatfap's post