If godgave you permission to create any living creature, what would you create?

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
>HORSE SIZED DUCK! Definitely!
I think China has you beat on that. They've been doing some crazy genetic engineering to make their animals HUGE so that they can cut down on their food supply problems. Especially pig, and I think duck too.

Can I instead re-create a creature?
I would definitely recreate T-Rexes

>Can I instead re-create a creature?
I would definitely recreate T-Rexes

You'd have to create some velociraptors so they have something to eat that isn't human or an animal that humans eat.

i am with the dinosaur guy...basicallly jurassic park for real

[+] 1 user Likes houndarounddowntown's post
Done, it' JP time baby!

Dragons for sure or Unicorns

A ManBearPig

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

>A ManBearPig
Go to Nascar races, there are plenty of them there.

Monster girls. I mean, why not?

Tamable giant birds for the purpose of flight (or Pegasus)

A mythical creature, I still can’t decide honestly. But there’s boundless of options.

Make a unicorn?


[+] 1 user Likes Darminted's post
A cow-sized Dodo bird or a dragon that heeds my orders