If you’re American, do you know who you’re voting for yet?
For most Americans, the campaign is just starting. Many have a sense of who Biden and Trump are but still want to use the next few months to decide. Have you made up your mind? If not, what are you going to be looking for to base your decision on?

Its hard to say maybe picking the lesser evil?

America is literally a laughingstock.

Everyone knows who they want to vote for and are just fighting with the other side about it

no :// im expecting a low turnout

Really? I expect a HUGE turnout. I think many are EXTREMEMLY passionate about one side or the oth

Really? I expect a HUGE turnout. I think many are EXTREMEMLY passionate about one side or the oth

Actually I really don't know

mail in voting will be pretty huge

I don't know, this is gonna be the weirdest election ever

I agree it’ll be a weird election. Mail in voting, hilariously, is extremely secure. Not sure why they are attacking it.

i'm voting for biden

I'm looking forward to the debates. I think they are going to be.. interesting.  Huh

KANYE WEST or trump to be honest, not many good options we have lol

its going to be near impossible for trump to win

i think we are screwed either way so it doesnt matter

It will be an interesting election to watch.


Will be voting for 'anybody but Trump' this time around. Really disappointed in him.

Screw the American presidential election it’s such a joke.