If you could be any vegetable, what would you be and why?
I think I would be a radish because I'm pretty bland and like to spend most of my time underground

Not sure you have ever had a radish, they can be pretty spicy though they do need salt to make them good. i think i would be a potato, hearty, tough, long lasting, but very tasty when made correctly

Mushroom, the poisonous kind so I won't die

[+] 1 user Likes Waahhh's post
Both very good points haha. I didn't consider seasoning the radish first!

i would be spinch

j'etrais un citron

I'd be a cucumber, because of all the produce, I think they probably get the most action o.O

Potato haha

Gonna have to go with the noble eggplant.

And one of my posts was refused but this question is put up Angry

I would be Stephen Hawking because he seemed pretty smart despite being a potato.

lmaooo thanks for all the great answers. very entertaining

I would be a lettuce just so I could do knock knock jokes