If you're in the US, what would it take for you to move away?
We have a huge economic bubble hanging above us that will make 2008 look like a drop in the bucket.
Racial tensions with threats of civil war extremely likely with where we are heading.
Stagnant economic growth. Zero wage growth.

Would you consider moving elsewhere? Somewhere cheaper?

Curious what people are thinking out there.

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If I was in US, I'd GTFO - that shit is gonna blow up. Kinda scary thinking of a major superpower doing civil war with the massive war infrastructure and armed citizens.

A country with a good standard of living and financial freedom is all it would take for me. Can’t see myself settling in one country when life is too short.

I fit wasn't so expensive to just leave without having a secure place to live/place of employment, I'm sure many people would have left already. For me personally, it's the fact that healthcare is one giant scam in the States, or more accurately hundreds upon hundreds of smaller scams all operating towards the same goal, and if medication I need for my body to function normally keeps being hundreds of dollars each month, I would seriously consider moving somewhere where that wouldn't be the case. Any other politics aside, healthcare is the most important topic for me that seems to never reach an actual improvement.

What would it take for me to move away?? A free plane ticket to New Zealand..