In general, are gamers satisfied with the state of games or are people getting bored?
There's been a bit of an elephant in the room regarding the gaming industry. People seem to be bored with everything that comes out. When was the last time a game as exciting as The Last of Us or The Witcher 3 came out? Sure there have been some great games in recent times like Red Dead Redemption 2, but that's a sequel to a game that already came out over 10 years ago. There has been a lot of great milestones for gamers into the more niche stuff like Undertale and DDLC, but average people aren't playing those games. The whole Telltale style of interactive story games essentially ended after Life Is Strange. Cyberpunk was a massive disappointment considering the amounts of insurmountable hype put onto it, so what's next? What is the game that people are waiting for? The new Elder Scrolls? Bethesda has been lackluster regarding recent releases... Multiplayer/competitive games have been doing pretty good, and the majority of gamers have flocked over to that market, but what about gamers who aren't into competitive shooters and the like? What is the next big game, what are people looking for? Is it a triple A title or an Indie one? Thoughts?

I think gaming has never been in a better spot.  There are a ton of games coming out that hits and completely surprising.  As far as mega blockbusters though I think the hype machines go into overdrive and lead to disappointment.  I think this is in all media, but also that it is usually the minority that is speaking the loudest.  People outside of the internet, who don't live off the hype generally are satisfied with what they get.

The other issue with major blockbusters is they release them generally in a not completed state and fix it after the fact.  This is the first time that I think it truly came back anyone in the ass since the No Man's sky issue (which they later fixed and is a great game now).  Will Cyberpunk be great probably, its just people hate delays, but they hate broken games more so its a lose/lose situation for the companies.

You certainly do ask a very good question, I mean I completely agree with you when it comes to the state of gaming today, but our problem may also come from the simple fact that as we are getting older we are to a degree burning ourselves out on gaming, as well as not being as easily manipulated when it comes to video game advertisements.  I suppose it's just a growing phase, and hell maybe someone will address this grievance, and return gaming to what made us fall in love with it.

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Unfortunately, this is true for me as well. I remember a few years ago I’d get super hyped for new games, but I don’t have that same excitement anymore. It probably has a lot to do with what you said, and maybe just getting burned out in general. I found that taking a break from games altogether for a while and doing something else helps a lot in getting the excitement back. Plus, when you return to it, you have a massive backlog of good stuff to play.

I think it's great that there are indie games that are getting recognized. Fully paid games that offer DLC still kinda suck.