Incoming recession?
With covid-19 causing shutdowns in china and the market acting unstable recently, anyone else think this could end up as bad as the 2008 recession? 

Robinhood's even down for some reason.

Yes if they cant think of another way to reopen trade route, alternative logistic solution, ... Seems like vaccine wont come for a few more months, so its gonna go real bad.

The shutdowns in China are already causing quite a bit of havoc. The situation is extremely volatile already. The longer it goes on the worse it is going to be unforuntately.

It's spreading real quick in the US now.

it'll probably take a few points off global growth in the short term but will rebound as soon as the virus passes

Something like the 2008 recession could happen soon but not because the covid-19 but because of bad credit if the interest rate increases. At least in Europe the interest rate are really low and in my country the price of houses are really inflated and a lot of people are doing credits that they will not be able to pay if the interest rate go up and is 2008 all over again.

really theres no telling what it'll expand to

How's the supplies lookin at your local supermarkets? Little panic where I am from, alotta necessities becoming out of stock

I know some people that already stock up but the in the supplies in the supermarkets are still normal. But the masks are out of stock in stores and pharmacies even the virus wasn't know as covid-19...

People are dumb as hell, who knows whats gonna happen

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The fed cutting interest rates 50 points in an emergency meeting is a really bad sign. It means they basically see this as AT LEAST as bad as 2008 and potentially worse...

the world bout to cease existing

If the infection rate doesn't come down, it'll almost definitely cause a recession

We're definitely overdue for one

more worried about the interest rates than coronavirus, tbh...

the situation is dangerous

Mass quaranties would definitely fuck over the global economy. Scary how having a shitton of people not attending to their jobs can do. Friends of mine are already panicking over the stock market going down.