Initial thoughts on this site? Starter & Elders opinions please.
I know for me my initial start on this site went from amazing to “oh” fast. I got confused on how contribution and credits worked so my contribution lowered and I thought it was a stupid system. BUT now I actually think it makes sense after learning more, though I haven’t reached the contribution level to be able to do anything yet and who knows how long till I can. This site is basically constructed in away to keep links up for 10x longer than any other site and it rewards being active. So at the moment I’m not really frustrated at how this sites system works just more frustrated at how long it could take before I see any merit for being active. Well at-least those are my ideas of the site as of now as a super noob, if anyone else has anything to add to this or their own experience please do, I bet this site is  basically heaven on earth to those with a high contribution level.

Joined a few days ago thought that this was an oasis and luckily I didn't completely think with my schlong after noticing that I had negative 10 contributor level.

After researching on how things work it made me understand that I have to earn the links by enjoying my time here on the non-leaks section. (I cant afford premium services) Which is great because sites like these would have a ton of lurkers and leech off of other contributors. All I can take from this experience is patience and some creativity is virtue.

My biggest issue with the site would be how little we know about some of the links posted. One link can have many GB's worth of content and others just 1 video and it's just a gamble as to which is which. It's why I always just post a screengrab of all the video's that are in the folder so nobody can be dissapointed by what they get from one of my links.

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After learning how it works, I'm more understanding of it, but it was a bit irritating at first with how vague the explanations were. It seemed like new requirements being added one after another right after meeting the prior condition... To view the link, you have to like it first. Next you have to post first. After that, they ask you for 10 credits. Thinking you can finally access something upon getting 10, you're met with a new condition of needing a high contributor level. I'm fine with it now, since I understand why they're doing it, but that should've just all been laid out from the start imo.

I'm still working on my contributor level, but I wonder what's the next requirement going to be lol. I'm just hoping when I finally get to access a link, it'll be a direct link and not a linkervertise link like other forums.

It's a good site with a good system for content. It prevents spam. Broken links can be reported and re-uploaded, which is nice.

Yeah the system seems to do it’s job but it’s not laid out that clearly in the beginning.

This isn't really related to how the site work in terms of contributor levels, but I was wondering how people actually source the leaks to share? It seems that would be the best way to contribute really. Any hints or tips?

The only thing that bug me is this system give the thread creator so much power, sometimes the hidden link is not worth 10 credit, it's like a gamble. I think they need a guideline on how and how much information of link inside thread, and if moderator have enough time, approve and sort out the thread, but that's just my suggestion.

For example, right now im totally lost, i got 15 credit, and i want to collect SexyFlowerWater content. Problem is there are ton of threads of different author out there, how am i suppose to know which one is good ? or i have to try all of these, which is about 8 thread, 80 credit ?

I completely agree - It’s very confusing and misleading from a noob perspective. The instructions in the leaks section direct you to like and comment on the posts - why?  Doing so hurts your rating such that when you’ve earned 10 credits, you can’t use them.

The main problem with the not leaked fourms is nobody uses them. Its a credit farm

I thought at first I'd have to just post leaks to get credits, but then after reaching 10 credits I found I had to grind to get my contributor level. I think the latter is a lot less reasonable. I posted 4 leak threads already to get my credits above 10. I think contributing 4x as much as you're trying to consume is more than fair. But apparently I need to also spend hours and hours on creating dozens and dozens of posts in non leak sections simply to grind my contributor level.