Inventory managment
when playing games like skyrim, do you keep all consumables or do you use everything as soon as possible?

[+] 1 user Likes wakka's post
i keep some good stuff

I never used anything, even if i had 200 wheels of cheese, i may need them at some point.

[+] 1 user Likes Tensaz87's post
I keep pretty much all of my consumables but then I forget to use them lol.

i always saved it, for late game material. or look on walkthrough

I usually save all my consumables but I have been trying to get into the habit of using them.

[+] 1 user Likes Electronic_Solid_394's post
I save everything unless I know how to actually use it or if it's temporary.

[+] 1 user Likes Kurimu9000's post
Consumable hoarder here. I pick up and keep absolutely everything unless im in a pretty dire situation, like needing to eat all of the random food I have in Skyrim once I run out of health pots. Its not any better in Pokemon lmao. I usually have around 50 of each type of potion and at least 5 of each status heal, even late in the game.

i used to never use items but lately ive changed, unless its really hard to get more of the item ill use buffs and other things fairly regularly now Smile