Iphone, Android or Windows?
Which do you prefer and why?

android cause its just better

Apple is overpriced

iPhone for the ecosystem

iphone for lifeee

iPhone much better

iPhone for this reason

i prefer iphone but im too broke and have android

Take an android no question

Of course android because of the freedom you have, like using other app stores beside the one from google

iphone all the way

iPhone went downhill after the iPhone 6 but it’s still so mainstream

iphone is superior

As of right now i'm a apple guy but i'm honestly thinking of becoming an droid user again because the recent ios updates are truly ruining the phone's functionality imo like for example ever since i downloaded the newest ios update my phone's been glitching like crazy, closing apps i just opened, and freezing all the time mind u i never had the problem before ugh...whole situation is just annoying af

iPhone for the iOS

Windows anyday if i had the option but if it was mobiles only definitely android.

Android. Iphone is over hyped

android of course

Android and Windows

android. iphones are too expensive