Is E-sport considered a sport
E-sport games like League of legends and Fortnite have really taken off recently. With "pro players" having training regimes similar to professional athletes, would you consider these gamers as athletes as well?
Curious to know what you guys think. Chess and golf are considered sports but they don't require much physical stress on the body. Olympics has now updated their stance on considering Esports a legitimate sport

I’ve always looked at esports and sports and being two different definitions for organized competition. One being physical and one digital

esports is definitely a sport. even though it doesn’t contribute to traditional standards of other sports, there is sportsmanship, competition, and other great qualities. and i’ll say that is a sport

Probably should be by this point really.

Esport is totally a sport. Yes yes

sitting aroumd and clicking shouldn't be considered as a sports

Only on paper it is considered as sport. It require more physical interaction to be considered as real sport

I dont see any reason why it wouldnt be a sport. Its entertainment