I was wondering if I should just pirate some classes or if having access to the teachers is worth paying for. I'm sure I can find popular classes online, but is having contact with lecturers worth it?
The problem with those massive online courses is also that access to teachers is super scarce given the thousands of people that join for some of them. The interactive things that they offer and that are usually hard to pirate (like, peer-reviewed assignments) could still make it worth it, too.
I tried a few courses and only found one which were of super high quality. And despite this, I have no doubt that I could have found an alternative course elsewhere. So I wouldn't suggest to take a course unless you have a very good reason to.
IMO not. If you want to be real pro in programming, try to teach yourself from tutorials and docs. Following videos recorded by ppl from India is not a good idea in IT.
Of course it varies but I have taken many very good courses at udemy. For example stephen grider delivers really good content, and much content. Just google "udemy 10 dollars" and there is always a coupon to use
Most of the courses are incredibly over-priced (personal opinion) but they have sales almost on a daily basis, and some go up to 90% off (which, in my opinion, kinda shows they know the courses are severely overpriced).
As for the interaction with the teachers, I have yet had a need to do that. As long as the course is very well made I think there is no need to ask anything.
Pirating is meh, good courses get updated a lot, and you want it to be updated to your language/dev program's near current version. Wait for sales, they happen frequently.
I used Udemy for a couple of programming courses and it was very helpful but your results can vary depending on the instructor. Luckily most udemy courses have a 30 day money back guarantee or something similar so before you purchase look into if you can get a refund if you're unsatisfied with the instructor.
The great thing about it is the fact that some videos and instructors have a community of people helping each other get through a course via a discord. You can also comment on a video and a TA or the instructor will reply back to you. (Again this will vary depending on the instructor)
Buy the courses when they go on sale, they have sales every 2 weeks or so. Another way to bypass it is to open udemy in incognito mode, first time users always get some kind of sale and incognito won't checks you cookies or something like that so you'll always get a sale page.