Is Valorant worth playing?
Hi, so this isn't really talking about how fun the game is, but more of the fact that the anticheat contains a kernal level rootkit and it is active the moment you boot up your computer. It also can't be played on a VMO at the moment.

Seeing as it is gonna be released in like 1 - 2 days depending on your timezone, any thoughts about it?

Even with their anti cheat, they were many cheaters during the beta.

Depends if you really like the CSGO-like gameplay.

I am not a huge fan of competitive fps games, but I found Valorant to be a lot of fun to play. Since its free you might as well try it out if you're interested. The rootkit is concerning, but you can at least uninstall it or disable it when you're not playing (you will have to restart your pc if you reenable it to play valorant).