Is WoW worth playing
Hey, I've never played WoW but some streamers I watch play it and ive been thinking about getting into it recently. I've never played another mmorpg so this will be a new experience in a whole, but is it worth playing WoW over other mmorpgs, if so what mmos do you guys recommend. If I go with WoW should i go with classic or retail?

Former WoW player here.

The game starts out fun but the late game stuff is a bit of a grind and you need to be in a top guild to succeed. This can be pretty hard as most guilds need you online for several hours a day for raids and dailies.

Also a lot of guild leaders are in communications so if one of them hates you your blacklisted across the server.

The game has a FTP mode for a few early levels you should try WoW, SWtOR and a few others to see which one you like.

I think so unless you don’t want to get addicted to it. It was great fun for me for a few years.

I feel like WoW is a rinse and repeat, at least from a raid perspective. All you do is LFR, until you can gear for normals, then heroic, and then mythic, with different mechanics for each difficulty.

Worth playing? Possibly with good friends. Worth being addicted? Nope definitely not.

If you dont like the optics, dont play it.