Is Xbox holding the industry back?
Ok, so hear me out. I'm a big Xbox fan, it's been my main platform for gaming ever since SEGA quit the console industry back in the early 2000's, and the only Xbox console I don't own yet is the Series X for obvious reasons. Now, to my point.

The original Xbox was an absolute beast of a console. It had almost double the PS2's power, and it hit the timing perfectly to bring about online gaming to the console space. Of course, we had it before on the PS2, the Dreamcast and even weird online stuff on the Saturn, Mega Drive/SNES and so on, but on Xbox, it was made easy and accessible, and the tech was there to support it.
Then the Xbox 360 came around and not only was the online experience fully integrated into it, it expanded into having a whole personality thing, where you could create your avatars and show off your achievements (something that Sony ended up copying on the PS3 a few years later with the trophy system). With the Wii's success in the casual market, Sony decided to create the Move, which is pretty much a better wiimote. Meanwhile, Microsoft went full blast and created the Kinect, which allows you to control games using your body, and let's be honest: it works. It's not perfect, and most of the heat the device takes is because of the games being shitty and lazy, but the thing itself works pretty well. You can decently play Child of Eden, Rise of Nightmares, Dance Central and anything else that implements it correctly.
The Xbox One comes around and while it disappointed for not being so focused on gaming when it first was announced, it still did new things. Microsoft doubled down on the Kinect, allowing you to control the dashboard using it. The snap function allowed you to watch a walkthrough on youtube while you played the game at the same time, or even to play minigames while watching Netflix (a favorite of mine). They added Cortana to it, and once you learned how to use it, it was awesome. I remember getting home from uni and yelling at my Xbox to turn on, then asking about the weather forecast and the news before opening Netflix or some game I wanted to play while I unpacked, undressed and looked for my controller.

However, after this generation hit a peak, it started going downhill. First, Microsoft removed the need of having a Kinect conected to your console. Then the Snap functionality. Then they removed Cortana, right after I got so used to it. I used to be able to assign a controller to my Xbox just by holding the sync button on the controller and pointing it at the Kinect; now I have to walk over to it and press another button like the primitives. You know how it sucks when you buy a gift card and have to type out the whole thing like a neanderthal and you always miss a letter or another and it's the worst? Back at the beginning of the generation, these cards used to come with QR codes. You'd just say "Xbox, redeem code" and show that shit to the Kinect.

The backstep doesn't end there though. Motion controllers can be awesome when implemented correctly. The PS3 did some cool stuff with the Sixaxis, but the PS4 does even better - when there is support. Have you ever played Uncharted: Golden Abyss on the PS Vita? It has a function that allows you to fine tune your aim by tilting the device. The Vita is so precise and fast that it works very naturally, and it's so good that it spoiled 20 years of stick aiming in me. I went back to the Xbox right after playing it and instinctively started tilting the controller while I aimed in whatever I was playing at the time. It's that good, but we're missing out on it even when a console has motion controllers because the other one doesn't and that doesn't incentivize the industry to standardize it.
A few years ago I played Dead by Daylight on the PS4 and was shocked to find out that, despite having a track pad right in the middle of the console, you can't use that to move the cursor around in the game's menus. I'm 100% sure that that's because the Xbox doesn't have a trackpad too, for instance. Because it just doesn't make any sense.

The Xbox Series X came out a few months ago, and it does nothing new. It's a sad, black little tower that didn't even have any exclusive games for it at launch. The OS looks the same as the Xbox One, the controller has no motion support, the Kinect is gone, as are voice commands and anything else remotely interesting. I feel we could have so much more if, y'know, Microsoft kept trying. What's your thoughts on this?

[+] 1 user Likes xsssx's post
I don't know. Nintendo is constantly pushing the innovative route and it's starting to hurt them with most of their big games just being full priced re-releases since the hardware can't handle anything more. The xbox though is just considerably more powerful and updated with better specs, however that's what their fans typically want besides exclusives. It's essentially a cheaper dedicated gaming PC that you don't have to build.

[+] 2 users Like bobbybob bobbybob's post
Xbox is the only one moving forward. They currently have the best backwards compatibility of any console to ever exist now that the XSX can play games all the way back to the original xbox, they have the best subscription service offering an insane amount of games on both PC AND console, they're openly working with Nintendo whereas Sony just tries to buy timed exclusives and lock its playerbase away and won't let it play with other platforms.

Sony has done nothing except tumble down a hill in recent years and their practices are incredibly toxic for the gaming community.
Nintendo is...Nintendo. They really haven't changed in two decades.

[+] 2 users Like Rob Lorsh's post
I don't think the problem lies with XBox or Microsoft. What you seem to complain about is, for once, clearly the community's fault.

Microsoft used to be very forward-focus. All of that you mentioned existed because they were aggressive. All the toxicity Sony does now is straight from the book of X360 Microsoft, because they were aggressive. But that doesn't sell. Because people are lazy, because part of being human is having a brain that is lazy in a few ways, one of the most important being resistance to change.

Everything you talked about as "like a neanderthal" is how most XBox user used their console... When you are in Microsoft's position, looking at your numbers, you see huge investments for great features on one hand, and 3% user-involvement in such features on the other. Why even bother?

Sony had the same with Vita. It had bid franchises made with a plan for a few years of game releases at regular but distant intervals. They released, but people already had abandoned the console months ago, believing Sony dropped it. But every service Sony dropped from the Vita were absolutely deserts as far as users went. They didn't only made advancements in games themselves, they also had other ideas like that "Near" service : streetart without the illegality and consequences. How is that not genius? Well... no usage (5% of the user base is "nothing"), no more investments.

If you want the saddest of analogy... why does Nintendo always make the damn same 2D mario games year after year despite being known as the "weird innovative corporation"? I'd invite you to go see the figures for Mario 64, the "Holy Grail" revered by the gaming community, and compare it to the sales of 2D Mario games. From Nintendo's financial perspective, it ain't that much of a Holy Grail...

Also, Microsoft seems to want to get to a unified virtualized market, that doesn't go well with a physical tool. Sometimes I'm surprised they even bothered with another console generation but... human brains are lazy... That may have been the most sensible choice to not bother their main costumer base.

[+] 1 user Likes DennisArtart's post
Always been a PlayStation guy since PS2 and that was a while back hopefully gonna cop the ps5 soon nothing much out on the console yet though waiting on god of war

[+] 2 users Like Joopna Chiqutora's post
It's hard for me to say how successful Xbox is. If anything, Microsoft is better off collecting revenue from their computers and laptops than Xbox.

[+] 1 user Likes detr420's post
Yeah, I don’t think Microsoft really tries anymore either. Honestly though, what we should do is simply buy Playstations(or play on PC’s) because if they see a negative feedback, they will try to adapt/to grow. That’s how capitalism works, and we have the power

[+] 1 user Likes newstuffBoy's post
Sad as it is, Xbox still offers the best deal out of all the new consoles due to PS5 basically having no games and Nintendo being overpriced (as allways).
But we all know what the best option really is (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

[+] 1 user Likes jackarrd's post
Xbox is still the leader in my opinion Sony consoles just aren’t as apealing

I feel like ive always sided with xbox until recently i feel like playstation has been doing everything better when it comes to providing accessible and conveinient content ANDDD great hyped titles