Is anyone even excited for any new Bethesda games?
Bethesda has proven that they are a terrible video game company that is out of touch with their customers, they dropped the ball hard on Fallout 76 and although people seem to have liked Fallout 4 when it came out i think the general consensus for that game is that it was a terrible Fallout game, it honestly makes me sad that a greedy company like Bethesda as the rights to The Elder Scrolls and the Fallout ip, is anyone even excited for the new Elder Scrolls game or Starfield?

Always hopeful but usually disappointed. I did hear that fo76 is fun now tho?

Im praying that ES6 is good.  Please have mercy Todd howard.

Im praying that ES6 is good.  Please have mercy Todd howard.

Never even heard of Starfield, but then again I'm only playing the same handful games all the time anyway. If you're into Elder Scrolls, I suggest giving Enderal a try though, it's amazing really. While I'm not sure what the future will hold in regards to new Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, I do hope that they end up being great. And even if that's not the case, the modding community might release some good stuff after all.

They probably learned from their mistakes in 76 so i don't think we'll see a fiasco like that game in the future from Bethesda but i also don't expect a revolutionary masterpiece game if they continue with the whole "Keep it simple stupid" idea.

with microsoft keeping Bethsada in check there is some very faint hope that they will improve their ways. It is extremely doubtful though as Bethsada seems to actively hate its fanbase and community. Trying to end player-made mods in favor of monetizing them. When players already do most of the work for them. Hell, Morrowind is still getting more mods made for it today.

I would love to be blown away by a new Bethesda game. Cautiously optimistic though.

So far the only games I've liked from that company are F3, ES 5 Skyrim and Wolfenstein New Order. I was excited about F 76 but I was disappointed beyond measure.

After the release of Fallout76 my excitement for Bethesda games left for the most part

Cautiously optimistic, hopefully Todd doesn't fuck up ES6 and I think starfield will be interesting

just waiting for ES6....