Is anyone exited for GTA VI If it ever releases?
I'm in between, i'm not exited nor sad i'm just hoping the online isn't go from point A shoot kill grab drugs Drive to point B.

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I just want it to be released lmao

I just hope it's online isn't as toxic as GTA V online

Honestly can‘t wait anymore haha

Eh i suppose i'm excited for the story and probably the bit of online content I could do. I just know it's gonna be filled with 12 year olds who always have their mics active lol

I'm really curious if they'll put something new in it, excluding new graphics

I thought Cyberpunk would hold me over but I found myself going back to GTA. They really need to make another one!

Ya. I´m pretty hyped and connot wait  Sick Cry

I hope they keep the Single Player as a very important part of the game, I really hope the GTA V online revolution doesn't change too much regarding SP.

Whatever it is soft types will be all over it even tho it's satire

probably no, coz what else can they offer to us ? for the gameplay perspective, story , combat etc. idk

ye as long as they dont rush it its gna be amazing unlike cyberpunk lmao

Kind of a meh for me, i have not gotten to play gta 5 yet and most likely if i finish the main campaign that's going to be it

I think it is gonna be alot of years before we even see a new gta