Is anyone getting sick of pornstars covered in awful tattoos?
Just about every single one looks like they've been doodled on by an angsty teenager. Man it's a huge turn off.

On the rare occasion a girl has good tats it's ok but it's almost never the case.

Preference, many without them.

People have a right to a preference, if tattoos turn you off that's perfectly fine.

Personally I find tattoos hella attractive. However, I understand where you’re coming from. So many people have awful tattoos that look like they were drawn on by a kindergartener with Crayola markers. Girls with good tattoos are insanely hot, the whole punk aesthetic is top tier

Yeh definitely preference, cant say I've noticed many with that bad of a tatoo that it becomes a turnoff. Maybe I watch too little porn xD

definitely prefer without

The tattoos are honestly getting to be way too much. Its and industry fad at this point. I think I makes there skin look dirty almost

i prefer without but a few nice looking ones or a sleeve aint bad

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definitely the case

I dislike them. Tattoos mean I don't purchase their videos.

tattoos can be nice but im and all or nothing guy. lots of tattoos, or none at all. thats what i like.

I dont like tats in general

Personally I do like well done tattoos, or a set of tattoos with a concept. But if people look like they've gotten random low quality tattoos randomly placed on the body? No, no thank you then

Yes, it's disgusting and says so much about them.

unfortunately since most of them are young they don't understand

i guess it really depends on the tats for me

it doesn’t personally bother me but you do you

I don't mind it that much, everyone has his preferences. But It's nice when a tattoo is actually fitting someones body

Tattoos ruin it if they are on the boobs or the ass for me. Especially huge ones.

Good tattoos are sexy as shit. Just saying.