Is it enjoyable for girls when guys finish inside?
As a guy, It feels great to finish inside. I wonder if it's the same for girls, and if it's because of evolution to promote reproduction. I understand if they feel something, but does it feel good for them as well?

I'm not a woman so I wouldn't  be able to answer this haha,  but you probably get a mix bag of answers . Some will like it because of they can feel warm fluid mixing with their own fluids. Others will not like it because of the clean up.

This is probably the wrong forum to ask this question. Almost everyone here are probably men and lesbians. If there are any straight or bi women, please step forward.

This question has been asked on reddit before. Most of the answers were from women who said they couldn't feel it when a guy comes inside them and that the annoying part is the waddle to the bathroom while trying to keep the cum from slipping out onto the floor. Hope that helps.

im not sure personally, but from what ive heard it feels good, ive also heard the temperature change of finishing on the outside of the vag also feels good

From what I understand the only feeling the girl gets is feeling wetter inside but thats about it

My ex loved the psychological feeling of it moreso than physical.

Dunna dude why dont you ask them next time you nut inside someone

Trillz spitting facts out here