Is it ok for jobs to hire based on appearances?
For certain jobs like flight attendants, I've heard that the hire tall and pretty women for stewardess positions. Should companies be allowed to add appearance as a criteria for hiring? I personally think it's ok as their employees represent their company, and I guess clean looking people make sense for most businesses.

I don’t think they are as it’s discrimination, but we all know that companies still do it regardless. That said some jobs do require specific appearances. Fine line.

Hell nah it’s not okay but it will always happen

It depends on what you mean by appearances. If you mean Appearance meaning skin color, weight, sexual orientation, height, etc. Then sure some jobs need to have specific requirements like height and weight to be hired but, if a company decides to hire based on something that has no correlation (like race) to the job then they are discriminating. This is completely illegal and is against several laws such as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and numerous other laws. If you mean clothing and things that a person can change then companies can and will take interviews and first impressions into account when hiring. This is legal.

What kind of question is this? Lol

Nope, definitely not a right thing to do. Can't have people be doing that

To the best of my knowledge, it is legal to hire based on appearances. It is called Bona Fide (Occupational) Qualification. 
An example that my professor gave me was Hooters Big Grin
I believe you fine gentlemen can figure out where this argument is going Smile

Obviously, there are some limitation to this and I am just making a general comment for laughs.

no it is not good but sometime they do it sadly ;(

Sadly it always happens

Depends on the job

Yes if it's a modeling or casting agency.
No if it's for a retail or regular job.

It depends on the job but it happens even with regular, where no one can see you Dodgy