Is it okay to let my wisdom teeth grow?
My wisdom teeth from the top and bottom part of my jaw started growing. I was wondering if the only choice is to get it removed or if i can let it grow. im 22 btw

Cavemen have done it, why can't you?

Yeah, mine have grown out long ago and look just like the rest of my normal back teeth. It's normal to never get them removed, unless they hurt and your dentist suggests it I guess.

As long as it doesn't hurt, no need to remove them

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

it depends if it grows out comfortably and doesnt affect your other teeth

if they are impacted, ya gotta get rid of them

As long as they grow upright and not hit the other molars

Let 'em grow out. That's a good thing to have them.

You need to see if everything is right with the teeth. If they are growing wrong, then you need to remove.
In my case, I had to remove them because they were growing in a wrong way, one of them never came out, growing inside against the other teeth and other two were growing to the side, hurting my mouth.

If they grow right, there is no need for them to be removed

They're vestigial. Some people aren't even born with them anymore. 

And there are quite a bit of people that will have wisdom teeth that impact their molars.

If it hurts in any way you should have it looken at. The argument that cavemen lived with theirs is quit3 naive. They probably died by the old age of 17 as well

It depends. Some people dont have the need to remove them, but if they are coming out from a weird direction it can fuck up your teeth and hurt really bad.

It depends. If they need removed then no it'll break your other teeth. Some people can have them some can't

Nah they’ll grow and it’ll hurt hella bad man it’s not worth

My upper left wisdom tooth is missing. Should i be worried that it's growing inside?