Is it worth it to get a Xbox series S?
I was thinking of getting a Xbox series S because the price is so good and I don't care about 4k. The only thing that  concerns me is the hard drive seems way too small at only 500gb.  Does anybody know how many games you can fit on the Series S?

important to clarify that it’s a 500gb ssd not a hard drive. but yes that is probably the only downside for that price, so it sort of depends how many triple a games you want to store on the console at once. if you can cope with the possibility of having to uninstall some titles you don’t want to play in favour of those you do, then by all means the series s is a fantastic option. if not, 1tb expansion cards are available, however these are very pricy.

I would probably go with Playstaion. Just because of the exclusive game. Plus all the Xbox games will be on PC

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Nah just get the Playstation 5

I'd go playstation5. in either case i think you could buy Storage fo rit right?

XBOX doesn't have much exclusive content so I wouldn't buy one.

I would say no, 512gb console is like 3 games you could put on. If you buy the external hard drive you will spend just as much as a Xbox x or ps5 might as well do that instead