Is print media really dead?
I'm trying to think when was the last time I bought a magazine or a newspaper. And I'm not talking about buying an old school porno mag either- any magazine. I've noticed there are hardly any more magazine racks inside of convenience stores already. I recall growing up reading the comic strips, trying my damndest at the crossword puzzles and seeing things for sale in the classified ads. I recall newspapers being delivered to our house. The dogs were actually paper trained on them! Magazines used to be delivered in sealed plastic bags! Does anyone here still subscribe to print media any more or are we just wired in to seeing pixels on a screen now?

Haven't really noticed for magazines, but newspapers and random sales ads still come in my mail even though I've never subscribed to any.

For the most part - but The New Yorker still published weekly. The larger publications are still surviving but definitely on the downturn...

There's definitely been a huge move away from it. Even things that were traditionally print have shifted to online viewing, and thats probably simply because running a business online is much cheaper. real shame :/

There will always be a market for it, but it will get smaller and smaller. There's also going to be more media consolidation before print media is totally dead. Local newspapers are dying but the NYT is still going strong. Some media companies might combine into SPACs like Buzzfeed

after internet it become useless


  1. Like Denzel said if you "“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do read it, you're misinformed.”

I've noticed that all of the print media available is dedicated to women, minus a couple of items dedicated to boomer men and their firearms. All the women stare at the magazines in the checkout line at the grocery stores cuz they can't get enough of their gossip. And gossip fucking SELLS.

The few newspapers left are mainly for the older generation that still wants to live in older times and still have their newspapers. I can't blame them, the Internet is sometimes overload on stuff.

usually people past like 30 or 40 read print. Rather read an article online or skim.

Yeh u think people around 50 read prints a lot. Still see some people reading em on streets

Not now, but in 50 years, i think it will be the case, and all will be digitalized