Is the new FF7 worth it?
Seeing a lot of hype... it's been so long since I played the original was wondering if the remake is worth the investment

I think it’s a bit of an upgrade

I bought it and wasn't disappointed. It is very different in parts to the original but looks amazing overall.

If you can wait, buy it in a few months, it will be cheaper but if you have time now, then I would buy it and you can always sell it when you're finished
so you only lose $5-$10 and get to see what you think.

Loved the original and playing the game with updated graphics was amazing. Maybe the nostalgia was an influence in it too.

Yeah I enjoyed it

It's pretty good. The combat has a nice flow as you switch between party members during battle. I love running around playing as Tifa and taking down mobs of enemies with her.