Is the new iPhone 12 Max worth it? Or should I go for the standard?
Just question in the title. The difference in price between both is significative but... is it worth it?

Remember how clark kent used to take off his glasses and suddenly he was superman? that's pretty much what apple has been trying to do with their iPhone series collection. I am sick and tired of apple changing a camera here and there and color and suddenly they release a new phone and mark up the price by %30. I think that we as consumers should stop buying into their lies and stop buying their products.

if money is no issue and its what you want than get it, but if you have to save for it i would suggest waiting until apple adds usb-c or some other difference worth its price.

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depends if u like the look and the upgraded stuff lol

If you like the max version, go for it. The pro version isn't a huge upgrade from the regular 12...for an average user the regular 12 should suffice

What is the difference between this phone and an older version?
what is the difference in price?
Is the difference really worth the cost to you?

if you think the difference is worth that price then I guess it's worth it to you
Personally I see Apple as complete ripoffs

also consider the difference in specs and features from the Iphone 10 to 11, and the price difference?

If you got me an Iphone 10 it would probably be better than my current phone, but I don't mind, mine works and I'm not dying for some new feature
especially when it costs over $1000 dollars
that is so much money my god

Both are great but the price is really what matters

If you really care about price go for the 11 pro is exactly the same the change of speed it’s almost imperceptible and the size and form is almost the same