Is there a limit on how many times you should get off a day to porn?
I’m a once or twice a day guy not everyday though if I don’t do it one a day it doesn’t really bother me but just curious

[+] 1 user Likes Joopna Chiqutora's post
It's kind of a habit at this point for me, so usually once a day. The only times I won't do it is if I've worked a long day and am too tired to even bother. If I happen to be off with nothing to do, I don't even want to think about how many times it can occur.

[+] 1 user Likes knight_of_fire's post
Why would you post that question if you are a one a day person? Seems like there is some concern there.

3 is okay for me it depends on your own personal capacity

average time to get off for a male seems to be 2-5 mins

there are 1440 mins in a day

if you can masturbate with 1 hand and use the other hand for drinking water etc

1440/2 = 720

1440/5 = 288

anywhere between 288 and 720 men

sometimes i go untill it hurts and then i stop.

@steelproton like I said I was curious ... if people did say ‘damn 1 or 2 times that’s a lot’ then I would be concerned

Do it too much and your dik starts to bend. That’s when you know you’ve done it too much. By that point tho..damage may already be done Confused

Yeah thats right bro

once or twice a day is good

Depends, medically or psychically?

The limit is your own stamina and ability. Also the amount of time you have.

Download the app Thing counter and check the average you have


just don't hurt yourself

It's like taking drugs; if your doing it for recreation its probably ok, if you HAVE to do it to feel normal then its a problem and you should try and find other ways to enjoy yourself. Try stopping for a week or so just to see how you feel without it.

as many times as you feel comfortabel

same lol and sometimes it hurts for a while and i stop for a few weeks

I think it depends on your body. I think as long you dun push it too far that it irritates your urethra. You will know you gone too far if you injure it or you end up going toilet alot thru out the day or it sore or you dun feel that much pleasure anymore.

Make sure you dun over do it. I used to be addicted to over 4 to 5 times a day which was very bad for me

When I was in my late teens I lived with my dad and he did shift work and I could go a whole day without seeing him. I took advantage of that one weekend and spent it in my room online, looking at porn. I did it 9 times that day, but full disclosure, I was edging before I knew what edging was. I think if I'd been trying for quantity over quality I could've doubled that no problem.

For years I was kind of ashamed of that but I've twice since equaled that with a partner - not masturbation but a full on day of sex - so I'm less bothered about the fact I spent a whole day jerking it now I know that, as long as my partner is willing to keep going, I can go that much with the added difficulty of extra exertion and extra pleasure.