Is there an easy way to get rid of arachnophobia?
I have extreme arachnophobia but I don't know if there's any way to get rid of it any time soon, beside actually being around spiders and stuff like that, so do you think there are any other ways?

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I'm pretty sure e posure therapy is the best way, so probably worth googling that. 
The good news is I think you can start by looking at pictures of spiders, and I would suggest small spiders like a common house spider, if you are severely arachnophobic this may cause some distress, so you will need to psych yourself up (its just a picture, it can't harm me, I'll only look for 1 second). Think good thoughts after looking, I'm fine, it didn't harm me, I'm proud I managed to look for 1 second etc. Then build up your time as you get more comfortable, I think I can do two seconds, again congratulate and celebrate if you achieve this, your fine. Keep going from there

funny you should ask that, i am a huge arachnophobe. I may not have. a way to get rid of it but i do have ways to manage it. When i am forced to encounter or kill spiders in my apartment, i put my winter gloves on, shoes, and the fear goes away 50%. Look away as your squishing the spider and PRESTO. One less spider to deal with!

What is so scary about spiders?

What about scorpions? Other bugs?

It's just an irrational fear, like how some people are scared of rats or cockroaches.

Arachnophobia is definitely something you can get around, try watching videos on cuter spiders to start such as jumping spiders, if it's the movement that freaks you out consider going to a place that will let you see/hold a captive tarantula as those guys barely even move and most likely won't freak you out

>What is so scary about spiders?
Literally every single spider I've come across has been poisonous (except for Tarantulas), and no amount of poison I put out seems to keep them away. And I know plenty of people bitten by spiders. This fear may be considered irrational, but my experience is that you need to stay away from them if you don't want your body to die or get super sick.

The way I've learned to not let the fear get to me is to be bold when smashing the fuck out of them, and to have spider killer spray nearby. Let them die for invading!