Is there any evidence that antivirus companies make computer viruses?
I heard this and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. But have they ever been caught red handed?

I don't think most people go past trial subscriptions, Microsoft has provided free antivirus protection, and those who would buy protection would buy it regardless if there were an increase in future threats or not just based on the fact past threats exist. Firefighters aren't setting fires on purpose and would probably rather not fight fires and still get paid, however there are some that have eventually been found to by arsonists so your theory of blackhat antivirus programmers may exist in reality but I don't think it would necessarily be the norm just due to lack of incentive.

There are stories of Microsoft actually creating a few virii themselves, to make sure that people bought their products for "protection". There are also the stories of early McAfee anti-virus being extremely difficult to remove from any given Windows system, and rumors of the virii coming from their own networks.

It's all about the Benjamins. From those Nigerian scammers to the Chinese ransomware to those groups that hack data and lockdown systems demanding millions to release them to M$ and other companies releasing virii just to make more money, it all comes down to those who just want money. They use the power of technology to get more money. I don't think there's anything clean in the software world.

interesting theme

yes they do Alex Jones told me so