Is there any game you think you COULD go pro in?
I mean I'll be realistic, I'd love to say that I'm godlike at a competitive shooter like Apex or CS or Valorant but the kids in those lobbies are nuts. That said I feel like I tend to top the COD leaderboards so I think that if I had to train hard and get in a real competition with a team I think I'd do well. What about you?

This is gonna sound dumb af, but hear me out…
Def Jam: Fight for New York.
For a game that came out in the early 2000s, it had an incredibly in-depth fighting system with incredible mechanics. 
5 different fighting styles that can be combined, environmental attacks, weapons, crowd control, combo grabs, this game had EVERYTHING.
I put hundreds of hours in this game, so if there was ever a league for it, I’d join it ASAP

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Maybe I could be pro at playing ML(Mobile Legends) as I can reach mythical glory from Epic II with less than 150 games with solo but I have never gotten a team to play with.