Is there any reason for men to get married anymore?
Think about it...
High divorce rates
Cheating sloots
Women have men lined up to date them, what makes you think a Chad won't come along and take them away for a night while you're working?

You're basically betting half your money that you will stay with one person your entire life. Loyalty is something that is bragged about online, why? It should be the standard. Along with all these only fans girls and how each generation keeps getting slootier, will it ever end? Is there any reason for men to get married?

The only pro I see is tax benefits, but otherwise ???

[+] 1 user Likes Whycantilogin's post
I'm sorry for whatever has happened that's led to you feeling this way. Trust is a beautiful rose when it blooms.

Getting married is a good safetynet if you or your partner dies. other than that there aren't actually a lot of upsides. Most people that get married probably don't do it for benefits but because they want to declare that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. That obviously isn't that likely to work out nowadays but it's the thought that counts I guess.

well the most primitive objective of life is to have an offspring before dying to continue your genes so there's that

but yea modern era is such a rough time to get married because trust has been so disrespected as a concept

Companionship yo

It helps you feel really secure about other person

[+] 1 user Likes crimafocsani's post
Marriage almost feels like entering a slightly unfair contract with someone else because if it goes wrong, you're both in a bad spot so making that leap together can help bring (and keep) folks together.  I believe increased divorce rates are because people are getting married for reasons that aren't lifelong and there's less stigma around divorce than there once was so people can leave abusive relationships more easily than once upon a time.

get a prenup beforehand and don't risk a damn thing

Marriage is hard, it's a lot of work even if you marry a great person. Everything changed after I got married, it became so serious and business like. Our relationship used to be so fun, but that's gone now. Here I am, in my 40's, missing my single life which I loved, looking at how to download leaked porn on the internet... Kinda depressing.

maybe love?

No not in this modern America, when women are rewarded for breaking the marriage deal, and huge legal court bias towards men. You lost before you even played the game

i agree with this post..not much of a reason to get married anymore these days but stay positive though!

dang dude. sounds like you need to see a therapist. I had some issues and they helped me clear things up. best bet is to go talk to one

Sorry for whatever happened to you... Sounds like some1 broke you...

Wow, either really young kids are responding trying to sound mature or really, really naive grown men. What did he say that sounds "broken" or incorrect? Marriages are dissolving left and right in America. And the rise in the number of divorces has been on ta dramatic incline since before the year 2000.

I mean I know Holywood doesn't mirror most working people's lives but after Jadas "entanglement" and her cheating on Will Smith (an A-list actor with charisma, money, charm, etc) do you really think the majority of women are just staying at home cooking and grocery shopping with no interest in the limitless variety of men constantly offering them "a fun time" from the gym to social media to the line at the checkout..?

Even in the '70s before the convenience of VHS and watching porn in the privacy/safety of your own home and the mainstreaming of XXX or any of that; from The Joy of Sex to every sex survey you could think of from Cosmo magazine to the Kinsey Reports the empirical data showed that across the board women cheated at roughly the same rate as men or higher and now those numbers have skyrocketed in the age of the internet, and this pornhub/smartphone/webcam/onlyfans era.

I don't think he's trying to singlehandedly be some kind of marriage denier or even focus on women cheating as the only or sole reason for the decline of marriage actually being a good deal for a man. Speaking for myself, I'm actually a fan of marriage and the idea of marriage but I still think it's at the least a valid question. I can't even tell you how many of my co-workers, friends, and family have ended up divorced; and yeah a good portion of the divorces were surprisingly brought on by the wife's infidelity. And marriage counseling (to my knowledge) has never had a great answer for the male ego dealing with the stigma of staying in a marriage at the risk of looking like the proverbial "cuck." And marriage has NEVER been easy, (that's why they have marriage counseling and not skateboard counseling) but it's downright brutal right now and divorce court stays in session.

My point is I definitely think its a legitimate question and one I think most adult men have talked about, read about, and at the least heard about on their favorite talk radio show, podcast, subreddit, or somewhere... And since I've never heard a perfect solution for this dilemma why not have a discussion about it here...

The point is not to look for a reason to get married, it is, to get married for a reason.

I believe these fees exist, because people had no real reason to be together, because it was a weak and superficial relationship, liquid relationships