Is your career what you wanted?
How many of you guys are actually working the job you guys wanted to do when you were younger? When I was in college, I studied to be a PA but that ultimately never worked out. Instead Im a field technician and an apprentice electrician.

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I would like to be a Physicist or, although it seems very different, to have my own bakery.

I'm on my way to the job of my dreams. Quit a job I hated, and am now rebuilding my career. Can't wait!

In school they ask you what you want to be, and probably only 1% actually get to be that. I do love what I do now, however it's nothing like I expected.

Not my childhood dream career, but it's still pretty cool, so I'll take it.

No.. But one day I'll get there

Yeah I didnt know what i wanted to do at all. Who does at 18-21? Eventually I think u just have to keep finding out what u like out of a job, what you dont, and try find things that do more of what you like. 

I love my job atm because i kept trying diff stuff till i found something i really enjoyed

Wanted to be a lawyer, but hated the corporate culture. Now I work as a programmer, and enjoy my work most days. Wouldn't change anything




When I was a kid, I thought I would end up in a very different job but I am happy with where I have landed and I think it is less stressful.

nat not at all i hate accounting

Not at all.
Hate my job, hate the field I work in and I disslike the company I work at, but such is life.

nope maybe some day

Yep definitely, it took me 6 years to get to position that I am currently at and it is my dream job Smile

Yep. It was expensive getting here (and I’m still paying off the loans), but I love what I do.

good thread. all of my career has been me pretty lucky. nepotism helped me get the foot in the door, and ive been pretty good at what I do. still sort of afraid of getting out from under the wing of stability and seeing what else is out there for me