It's the food of the future
Today I read an article about the increase in the number of people on the planet will force us to find alternatives to tradizional foods. The answer to this problem would be to eat bugs or rats. There are restaurants that already serve insect-based dishes (I'm not talking about fast food), and rats are already traditionally eaten in some countries. have you ever tasted this type of food? is it as bad as it looks?

I've seen people eat fried ants and they say it isnt nearly as bad as you think. Still pretty crunchy tho

[+] 1 user Likes Michael Jin's post
Haven't the French eaten chocolate covered grasshoppers for years? Or am I thinking of another nation?

Either way. Eating bugs is a starvation situation. We humans don't do that unless there's nothing else where we are. This is just being pushed on us to kill us slowly and make us dependant on TPTB for everything. AKA Enslavement.

the future food hmm let me think i think "cacik" it's a traditional turkish dish

[+] 1 user Likes Rhoslyn's post
Honestly I'd eat plant based meat before eating insects. I know it's more efficient and stuff, but I can't get past that mental block. I'm still on the fence about lab-grown meat.

The future food may be small tiny things like insects. I heard they have a great protein.

You can buy cricket powder and other bug products already. I think it's mostly a cultural thing that can change in time with what we consider normal to eat.