Jobs in Japan?
I want to get a job in japan, does anyone have any suggestions on what the first steps would be? Or for instance if someone has working experience overseas, what kind of jobs are available for Englishmen. Shy that kind of stuff. I feel like I am completely lost because of covid and have no one to talk to.

You’re gonna have a rough time

[+] 1 user Likes Zacodaxe2's post
Teaching English is probably your best bet, look into programs like English First

[+] 1 user Likes Consistent-Speech-13's post
Can I get a software engineering job there while only knowing English?

[+] 1 user Likes cmonkey2591's post
That's gonna be difficult

perhaps learn the language to start

[+] 1 user Likes gogo24's post
I heard there are companies that will pay you to sit in the windows visible to the street and you don't have to do any work. Just makes them look good.

get a working holiday visa, have to be under the age of 30.

Theres a website on facebook, working holiday visa jobs in japan, always posting jobs looking for English people, mostly resort work or working on hostels etc.

[+] 1 user Likes Texiam's post
Teaching english is the most popular option